Why compression socks?
While compression hosiery was once specific to the relief of venous disorders, thanks to recent advances in hosiery manufacturing, it is now a widely available option for a variety of needs such as medical edema stockings, athletic recovery sleeves, pregnancy socks, and as daily support pantyhose.
Wearing compression socks can have a significant effect on energy levels and aching legs at the end of the day - particularly given that modern lifestyles typically demand excessive periods either standing or sitting in place.
Fytto offers affordable and stylish compression hosiery options which can easily be incorporated into any modern wardrobe for discreet relief and healthy leg circulation.
Swollen/aching legs from prolonged sitting
Tired feet/calves and general fatigue from prolonged standing
Long distance travel and DVT prevention
Sore legs caused by pregnancy
How do they work?
Compression socks apply elasticated pressure to the surface veins which increases the rate of blood flow proportionally and in turn boosts the returning blood flow to the heart.
This helps prevent fluids pooling in the lower extremities, which is often the cause of tired and achy legs, swelling, and potentially other more serious conditions.
Additionally, promoting blood circulation helps the body to more effectively metabolize lactic acid and other by-products of fatigue, increase muscle oxygenation and accelerate tissue recovery.

Medical Graduated Compression indicates that maximum pressure is applied at the ankle and decreases gradually upwards. All Fytto hosiery features ISO 13485 compliant graduated compression.
Compression is expressed in units of mercury per square mm (mmHg) which is the standard medical unit for blood pressure.
Moderate or Firm?
Depending on the severity of leg discomfort or condition, Fytto compression hosiery is available in two therapeutic compression levels:
- Tired and achy legs at the end of the day
- Visible minor spider/varicose veins
- Minor foot, ankle and leg swelling/edema/inflammation
- Prevention of early deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
- Moderate spider or varicose veins
- Edema
- Post-thrombotic syndrome
- Deep vein thrombosis
It is important to measure dimensions properly to find the right fit for individual legs (see our video page on how to properly measure the circumferences). A common symptom of incorrect fitting is discomfort.
Be aware that some preexisting conditions are not compatible with graduated compression:
- Peripheral obstructive arterial disease
- Septic phlebitis
- Massive leg or pulmonary edema causes by heart failure
- Oozing dermatitis or other local skin conditions
- Advanced peripheral neuropathy or other causes of sensory impairment
- Leg deformities preventing correct fit.
In doubt, always consult with a doctor before purchasing compression hosiery.